Friday, August 23, 2013

Zucchini noodles, say whatttt???

Most people will probably agree with me when I say man, I could get fat off of pasta I love it so much! Whole wheat noodles ARE more nutritious than white pasta (which are as healthy as eating cardboard, only more digestible I would imagine). Then there is rice noodles, bean noodles, squash noodles, and ZUCCHINI noodles!!! If you are on a low-carbohydrate diet (which, just to let you all know, carbs should be almost HALF of your diet!!!), you can thank me later for releasing this awesome pasta I whipped up just two nights ago for me and my four other family members- so these proportions will feed a household. (PS: don't the bells look like little flowers in a garden? I'm way too obsessed with food art hahah).

Pesto Zucchini Noodle Pasta:

  • three zucchinis
  • two cups cooked wild rice 
  • one whole garlic
  • .25 sliced onion
  • cut up three to five green kale leaves (big)
  • one red bell pepper, cut up
  • one cup basil
  • 1/3cup olive oil (may need more)
  • salt (to taste)
  • olives
  • three chopped mushrooms
  • two cans of black beans (or if you soak, 3 cups)
  • two cut tomatoes
  • one cut avocado
  • 1/2 cut up eggplant
  • balsamic vinegar
What to do:
  1. Start cooking the wild rice- (ratio 1:3, rice to water), boil water, let simmer for 35-45mins
  2. note: when timer reaches 20 mins add whole cloves of garlic to cooking rice (add to taste) I like lots of garlic so I added like five cloves! 
  3. While the wild rice is cooking, use a veggie peeler and peel zucchini in as long slices as possible, like you are making noodles...because you are! You end up reaching a point in the peeling where you have to stop... I cut up the rest and saved the pieces for another dish, but you can add them to the pasta if you want.
  4. steam the zucchini noodles lightly
  5. pesto: add olive oil, however many garlic cloves you want, and basil to a food processor (a blender probably will work as well). It's all about consistency- you don't want it too oily or too dry, so mess with the oil to basil ratio so you can have the perfect pesto!
  6. grab a small pan and slightly "fry" the eggplant using balsamic instead of oil- this way, you're not eating a ton of oil (since the pesto has quite a bit in it). 
  7. add everything to a bowl (mixing in the pesto) and voila, you've got a delicious, healthy pasta!
This pasta DOES have density- the wild rice and black beans are pretty filling- but it doesn't leave you feeling too full (unless you eat it way too fast), which I loved about it! Plus, pesto, in my opinion, makes everything taste wonderful! If you like the zucchini noodles, and I'm sure you'll love them, then try making other dishes using them! They are a fantastic substitution!!!

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