Good (late) morning!!! I'm writing today to give you a brief overview of a food that most normal people don't eat pounds and pounds of; but many people add this food to different dishes and foods as an addition to taste. I'll give you one hint: I only know TWO people (or species) that eat this food by itself, and one of them is Shrek...
Okay, the special food that I'm referring to is ONIONS!!!
Let me just peel away some of these hidden health benefits for you all to educate yourselves about:
Fun Facts:
1. Phytochemicals in onions increase the function of Vitamin C in one's body; which is needed for growth and repair of the body's cells!
2. They are actually known to not only reduce inflammation, but also fight against cancer! Onions are heroic!
3. They increase the High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Cholesterol, which many people call "good" cholesterol (another myth I might expand on in another posting), which also helps fight against heart disease!
4. Chromium in onions help regulate blood sugar, so that's pretty awesome too!
I know there are more affects onions have on one's body, other than making people cry while chopping, but here are a few that stood out to me I found from
Healthy Living so you all can check out that website more if you're interested in learning more! Eat onions, guys! Eat them in salads, soups, casseroles, by the pound (I wouldn't), however you want! But make sure you're getting your onion fix ;)